Robert griffin-Nolan (PI)Originally from Central New York, I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Ithaca College where I studied understory plant responses to light quality. In 2019, I completed my PhD in Ecology with Dr. Alan Knapp at Colorado State University. My dissertation research focused on the role of community functional composition in differential sensitivity of grasslands to drought. For my postdoctoral work, I studied the physiological mechanisms of plant invasions (Syracuse University) as well as macroecological patterns of grass traits (Santa Clara University). In 2023, I started my position as Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology at California State University, Chico.
Graduate Students
Anna KrauseAnna is in the first year of her master's in biology, studying physiological traits of CA grassland species in the contexts of restoration and drought. She got hooked on grasslands as an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, where she conducted research on the phenology of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) in an experimental prairie restoration at Konza Prairie Biological Station. In addition to a BS in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, she also holds BA degrees in English and French.
Undergraduate students
Natalie BraunNatalie is a senior at CSU Chico where she is wrapping up her final semester as an undergraduate, after which she will earn a BS in biology. She has plans to further her studies in botany at graduate school in the coming years. Natalie aspires to conduct research on the ecological impacts of invasive plant species on native plant communities. Her other research interests include insect-plant symbioses, the evolution of plants, and anything pertaining to cryptograms. She has spent the last year working at the campus Conservatory and has also gained valuable experience in habitat restoration and invasive species removal from local ecosystems.
Angelina GarciaAngelina is a senior Plant Biology major at CSU Chico graduating in December 2024. She is studying the impacts of invasive species removal on soil health and community composition in Bidwell Park.
Interested in joining the lab?
Send a CV/resume and statement of research interest to Dr. Griffin-Nolan ([email protected])